
The Emotionally Intelligent Leader
Towards exemplary leadership

Duration: 2 Days

How do competent people reinvent themselves?

Successful managers set higher benchmarks by enhancing their Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills. In a highly competitive yet uncertain business environment a manager cannot take all the decisions based on sheer rationality, and thus EI is the paradox between keeping one’s disruptive emotions under control while allowing positive emotions to take the right decisions.

The objective of this workshop is:

  • Understanding the importance of emotions at the physical, mental and intellectual level
  • Knowing how emotions can guide us effectively while taking important decisions
  • Managing intra-personal & inter-personal relationships
  • Applying Emotional Quotient (EQ) towards becoming an effective leader

Hospitality Paradigm offers a two-day workshop for General Managers and Heads of Departments to help identify negative emotions experienced daily viz. anger, fear, jealousy, hatred, loneliness, anxiety and excitement; and their impact on personal behaviour. This workshop offers strategies to improving one’s personal emotional literacy through self-awareness, self-control and self-motivation; thus enhancing empathic skills for managing others and thereby improving decision making capabilities.