Past Workshops
Workshop: “Contextual Selling”
Conducted for the all-India Sales team of Fortune Park Hotels

Group picture

Rajan in session

Ramiah in session

Rajan interacting with participants

Ramiah interacting with participants

With MC Samir – MD of Fortune Hotels (on the right)
Venue: ITC HMI, Manesar
Dates: 19 Dec 2018
Dates: 19 Dec 2018
Participating Organizations
Participant Comments:
What I liked best about the program?
“The Training session had a high level of interaction and exchange of ideas amongst participants. I got to learn a lot. Nothing is to be changed except perhaps the duration of program could have been more”
“The trainers, their way of training, the role plays conducted and the interaction with all teams… Everything was perfect and motivational”
“This workshop learning can definitely be implemented in my work space. I particularly liked the session on BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)”
“The way the entire training has been conducted was unforgettable. It also helped me to connect with my huge team and learn a lot to implement and grow in future”
“Many key issues were addressed. I enjoyed this external training as well as the interaction with my all India sales colleagues”
“This workshop helped in my self-enlightenment of being over and above the ordinary realm of a sales professional to self-actualization of being a highly talented Marketer”
“The training sessions made me understand everything in a practical way”
“This session was not like a regular classroom session; it was interactive and everybody was a participant in it. More days of training was required, so that the trainer need not finish the content in a day”
“Role plays during the sessions were very helpful to rectify common mistakes while communicating with clients”
“This was an extremely interactive workshop and I appreciate the trainers and their style of training”
“The workshop covered common knowledge which we ignore in our day to day work schedule. I liked the selling skills taught and will implement the same in my work life”
“The module on Contextual Selling was the best since the trainer covered the entire sales process thoroughly, giving us a great learning. Entire Program was nicely managed, though the timings could have been looked after as the content was vast compared to the time allocated”
“This workshop was properly planned and executed and taught me the different ways of selling with practical learning through role plays”
“I understood how important it is to be prepared before a call and how important listening is during a conversation”
“I got a lot of positive insights from the external trainer and I believe this training will definitely help us in our day to day tasks”