Past Workshops
Workshop: “Guest Delighted”
2 day Workshop conducted for managerial team of The Leela, Goa

Rajan Parulekar in session

Ramiah Daniels discussing case studies on guest delight

Participants making presentations

Participants enacting situational skits

Beach Games – Questioning technique in guest interaction

Beach Games – Questioning technique in guest interaction

Beach Games – Questioning technique in guest interaction

Group Picture with Shridhar Nair (GM) & Mohanjit Nair (Sr. Training Manager)
Client: The Leela, Goa
Dates: 24-25 April 2013
Venue: The Leela, Goa
Dates: 24-25 April 2013
Venue: The Leela, Goa
Participant Comments:
What I liked best about the program?
“A special thanks to both trainers as they were able to show me a mirror defining guest interaction leading to guests delighted… this will certainly help me and my company. Well Done!”
“This workshop has provided me with a different angle of looking at situations in a better way. It has revealed to me that every situation can be converted into a delightful experience.”
“Really liked the videos shown along with their relation to the topic… Ritz-Carlton, United Airline, Southwest Airlines.”
“Appreciated the real-life examples as also the role-plays conducted and case studies discussed.”
“This program was very professionally conducted and I enjoyed the personal experiences shared by the faculty.”
“The trainer understood the working environment within the hotel and kept it in context throughout. This was remarkable and noteworthy.”
“The highlight of this two day session was the case studies and brain-storming for numerous solutions.”
“True real life instances were shared and the physical exercises helped us to understand our areas for improvement along with ways to improve them.”
“The real life examples certainly helped us relate to the topic and their resolution styles will help us in implementing them in our jobs.”
“The issue on how salaries and increments have to be practically assessed and how they relate to ‘Delighted Guests’ was to me a key learning.”
“This program connects very well with our day to day life at the resort and we could all relate it to our individual operations.”
“I specially enjoyed this training as the interaction was two ways and not just one way.”
“My one key learning over the past two days is to stop complaining about given resources and how I can still delight my guests with limited resources.”
“I specially liked the session on ‘windows of opportunity’ in creating guest delight.”