Past Workshops

Two day workshop: “Contextual Selling”

Conducted for Sales Team – Howard Johnson, Bengaluru

Group picture

Group exercises

Rajan in session

Rajan interacting with participants

Ramiah in session

Role play

Venue: Howard Johnson, Bengaluru
Dates: 01-02 July 2016

Participant Comments:

What I liked best about the program?

“This workshop has been very much helpful in improving my selling skills, teaching me how to engage with my clients, ask questions, build rapport, talk less in front of the client, using correct terminologies, creating a personal touch, etc.”

“I liked this workshop as it was clear in objective, simple to understand and used real time scenario to make it practical”

“The case studies were relative to our daily work and situations we face. The trainers ensured every participant was engaged through the workshop”

“My selling skills have been enhanced by this workshop. Vocabulary and mannerisms were corrected where required and we were shown the right track. Personal attention was given to each participant’s need and specific points attended to”

“Talking less, building rapport, asking questions etc. helped me relearn my sales processes and also made me realise the common mistakes sales persons do”

“This workshop was very much related to our day to day job and the role plays with video replays and analysis was a special feature of this workshop”