Trust-Building with the Guest

If we want our guests to take us seriously, we must first look at building trust-bridges with them. Some of the factors that help develop trust with our guests are:

  • Execute guest requests promptly and attend to their queries and complaints with alacrity
  • Your body language and communication must communicate your openness and care for the guest.
  • Do homework about your guest through ‘in-house guest recognition programs’, MICROS, social media, LinkedIn etc.
  • To create a connection, seek for anything common between the guest and you in terms of Language, Interest, Caste, Acquaintances, etc.
  • Exude confidence – a smile is the shortest distance between two people.
  • Guests would like to deal with competent supervisors / executives.
  • Remember that Competence is created by a) The Organization you work for             b) Similar projects you or your company may have executed and c) You

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